
Monday, February 21, 2022

READY... SET... GO! PI WARS 2022

Pi Wars Season 2022

Hey everyone! 

My name is Josué Tarafa. I am going to be blogging this season for the Talleres de Marquesina Pi Wars Team in Puerto Rico.
The team is back and we are all very excited to be part of many teams from around the World. We have new members that are new to the raspberry pi environment but are learning fast. This year  we have new challenges but I am confident we can make an excellent work. 
This year Pi Wars theme is Agriculture 
and the Challenges for the competition can be found 
in this link here!

So... this in this week meeting, our mentor introduced the raspberry pi to our new members and taught the team how to turn on LED Lights, and taught how to code patterns using the LED lights on a raspberry pi. 2 raspberry pi were used (the team was divided into 2 groups, each group with a raspberry pi). The team connected the LED lights to the raspberry pi using a breadboard. 
A breadboard, according to
"A breadboard is a rectangular plastic board with a bunch of tiny holes in it. These holes let you easily insert electronic components to prototype (meaning to build and test an early version of) an electronic circuit, like this one with a battery, switch, resistor, and an LED." 

After turning on the LED lights using the raspberry pi' 3.3v and Ground we used the GPIOs and  Python to program the light pattern. After coding, the lights were turning on and off. Later, 2 more LED lights were added to the breadboard, and the team added more python codes. After finishing coding, the 3 LED lights were flashing in a traffic light pattern. This knowledge will be applied in the future when coding the raspberry pi to move the robot that will be used in the competition.


Until the next Time

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